Monday, April 07, 2008

Conference blogging

And yet another use of Web 2.0 technologies: conference blogging!

I tend not to do *live* conference blogging, like some people, because I find that I can't listen to the speaker and process what they're saying and report on it at the same time. In my snarkier moods, I think others can't do that either, because the live conference bloggers rarely have any analysis, just play-by-play reporting of the speaker, which isn't really what I want from a conference blog - I want to know what the blogger thinks about the topic, whether they agree with the speaker or not, what other thoughts and ideas it sparked, and so on.

That being said, if I blog any of the sessions here at Computers in Libraries, I'll probably give play-by-play reports. :)

Right now, I'm killing time waiting for the keynote speech to start. A speaker from the Pew Internet & American Life project is giving a talk titled "Libraries Solve Problems!" about a national survey on how people use the Internet and libraries for significant issues or milestones - how they get to the information they want, and the kinds of information they use.

For the rest of the day, except for the first session on technological innovations, it looks like I'll be in the Web Design track. I'm especially looking forward to the final session of the day there: "What Do Users Really Do in Their Native Habitat?" which reports on a survey the U of Guelph did of their students on how they use technology and their online behavior and information-seeking behavior, with another speaker discussing a study about college students' study habits.


FelineFrog said...

So do you feel like Jane Goodall yet learning about natives in their habitats?

Eight Hundred Mice said...

I *am* a native in the habitat! :D Or at least a participant-observer anthropologist. XD Although I am not yet at the point where I arrive early to sessions to grab a seat next to a power point to plug in my laptop as I blog the session. XD I'm using a pen and paper for notes. How low-tech of me!