Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Right, let's get some of these out of the way...

...so I don't have to remember to update each week.

Things 5 & 6: My ginormous Bloglines blogroll shows I'm pretty familiar with RSS feeds. Note to everyone who's flabbergasted by that: I read very few of these on a daily basis. I certainly don't read everything that goes by. I started using Bloglines about 3 years back when the sites I hit on a regular basis got too unwieldy to visit every day and check for new content. With an RSS feedreader/aggregator, the new content came to me. I tried a feedreader that you download and run on your desktop, but that meant that I could only read them at work, and when a good portion of the things I was putting into the aggregator weren't work-related, that was useless. So I switched to Bloglines, since I could access it from work and home.

Things 7 & 8: I've got a Facebook page, which I use almost entirely for playing Scrabble. My online social networking is pretty permanently fixed over at my personal blog, and I don't like to spread out too much, otherwise it feels like a hassle, instead of fun, to go visit sites.

I also don't IM too much. I have AD/HD and IMs serve as too much of an interruption. I can't do any work, whether it's job-related work or my art-related work, on the computer if there's someone IMing me. Phone calls, emails, and people dropping by without warning are already problem enough; I don't need more interruptions throwing me out of focus when it takes me 20 minutes to be able to start concentrating on what I was distracted from.

Things 9 & 10: I wrote these sections. :) The library aggregator is an interesting idea, but I won't be giving up my Bloglines account or adding another feedreader. I also scaled way back on the number of library feeds I read when I noticed that 75% of the posts on the feeds I was reading were just linking to other feeds that I was also reading. and I got tired of the relentless OMG YOU MUST HAVE RSS FEEDS/BLOGS/WIKIS/WIDGETS/WHATEVER OR YOU'RE NOT SERVING YOUR PATRONS that the more enthusiastic members of the library blogging community screamed in text all the time.

As far as Digg goes, I don't particularly care for it. I read the BBC news site and whatever my friends post on their blogs - they're all tech-savvy enough and news-conscious enough that anything that's the least bit important will get posted somewhere.

More later.

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